The Past and the Present of the Arabian Residence "A Comparative Case Study of the Traditional and Modern Housing of Sana’a City as an Approach to the Originality of Modern Architecture".

Document Type : Research Studies


Associate professor, Architecture Qassim University-Saudi Arabia Associate professor, Architecture & Housing Sana'a University- Faculty of Engineering


Arab cities are  generally dominated by contemporary mixed architectural and urban styles that are not compatible with  our environment and our social and humanity requirements, as recently during this period, several attempts began to create Architectural styles compatible with  the present era, most of these attempts are evidenced by efforts of adding urban heritage features to contemporary buildings for the purpose of expressing originality by the employment of some traditional elements, therefore,  the study has focused on the study of Arabian architecture exemplars in general and that of Yemen in particular, by comparing traditional and modern residents in the city of Sana'a.
 As a result of the developments that have occurred in our modern era, there was a change in the ideas, concepts and modern notions, resulting in the diversification of architecture in the Arab world in general and in the city of Sana’a for more precision, therefore, architecture and Urbanism in general are no more recently compatible with our environment. Newly introduced building materials that are not compatible with the environment, henceforth cities expanded horizontally and scattered in all directions and on all axes, enough attention is not, therefore, found in regards to the establishment and execution of urban planning laws and the organization of modern neighborhoods, which resulted in the negative impact of the environmental and urban residents compared to that of the past.
The residential environment weather traditional or modern is the most important components of the urban environment, as the residential environment in the city of Sana'a is generally influenced by the culture of the society and their customs and traditions.


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