Strategy of Advancement in Interfaces Slums after the Revolution of January 25 (Rice Straw as One of the Architectural Solutions Environment Friendly Interfaces in Egypt).

Document Type : Research Studies


1 Vice-Dean for Education & Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering., El- Mansoura University.

2 Professor Dr. and Head of Architecture Department. Faculty of fine arts, Alexandria University

3 Assistant Professor., Architectural Engineering., Faculty of Engineering., Mansoura University., Mansoura., Egypt.

4 Architect., Architecture Engineering., Faculty of Engineering., El-Mansoura University., Mansoura., Egypt.


This paper discusses through the theoretical approach the problem of squatters and its growth in Egypt. The impacts of these squatter areas upon the urban environment also have been indicated. the role of designed residential projects to reduce the phenomenon of informal building and heterogeneity in the urban escape of  built  residential areas , by  identifying the phenomenon in residential areas , in general, and in selected area in egypt, in particular, and present a designed housing projects (global and local ) , that achieve homogeneous formal unity at the level of the urban escape, the research identified the principles and the elements of  building scene and the organization bases that can be a substitute for the informal building and the heterogeneity of urban escape in built residential areas , The paper proposed an urban planning project in order to solve the problem of visual pollution and share in developing and upgrading the total area. This research has been studied from three sides: -                


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