المعايير الهندسية لتحقيق جودة الخدمات الصحية في المستشفيات العامة المصرية

Document Type : Research Studies


1 Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, Department of Architecure, Faculty of Fine Arts, Assiut University, Egypt

2 Graduate Researcher, Architectural Engineer


The main objective of establishing hospitals as a therapeutic environment is to cure diseases and get rid of pain, and in order for hospitals to achieve this goal effectively, they must meet some specifications and standards that qualify them for this, including engineering quality standards, as these engineering standards help to raise the functionality of the medical institution and qualify it for the desired quality of performance, and engineering quality standards are: (privacy, security and safety, fire safety, emergency, Laboratories, radiation, safety control, .hazardous materials and wastes,) of sub-indicators
This research aims to develop and measure the importance of engineering quality standards and sub-indicators within hospital buildings, based on the theoretical study of the basic components of the quality system in general, identifying its association with the architectural aspect of hospitals in particular, determining engineering standards in accordance with medical standards in hospital buildings, and conducting a field study and questionnaire for the opinions of specialists in this field to arrange engineering standards and sub-indicators according to the importance of basing on the opinions of the sample and the results of the field study


Main Subjects