Elastic Stability of Steel Structural Systems Restrained by Initially Curved Members.

Document Type : Research Studies


Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


The axial stiffness of elastic, initially Curved, members is considered using small-deformation theory. Simple relations are obtained for the tangent axial stiffness. The use of this equivalent spring stiffness is described in an attempt to provide a unified description of the restraint given to a main column member by the provision of initially curved members at mid-height. The buckling of a column element in the Plane of the nonlinear restraints is investigated. Further the purpose of the analysis to describe precise values to the spring stiffness in the light of the analysis referred to the above. Further, the matrix technique illustrated in the present paper is capable of generalization, especially using automatic Computational procedures. Finally the critical load of the structural system is investigated with respect to the presence of imperfection in the lateral restraints. 


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